Crops Under Cover! Your Row Cover Resource
Crops Under Cover! Your Row Cover Resource

Ricardo Bessin

Ricardo Bessin

Ric Bessin

Ricardo Bessin


Department of Entomology University of Kentucky

Last Revised: Feb 18th, 2025

Professional Biography

Ric Bessin is an Extension Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Kentucky. His extension responsibilities include developing and evaluating IPM decision guidelines and management strategies for specialty and field-crop insect pests. He is currently addressing management of polyphagous stink bugs in multiple cropping systems, evaluating and implementing alternative management strategies for Oriental fruit moth and codling moth in commercial apple orchards, developing of reduced-risk and organic controls for cucumber beetle, bacterial wilt, squash bug, and yellow vine decline control in melons and squash, manipulation of wild pollinators in cucurbit production systems, and management of the invasive sugarcane aphid on sweet sorghum.

He provides educational programs and pest management recommendations to extension educators, agribuisness personnel, commercial producers, and Master Gardeners to better manage pests of field corn, fruits, vegetables, forages, and greenhouses. His goal is to provide balanced, science-based, educational programs addressing sustainable arthropod management and environmental stewardship. Bessin serves as Kentucky IPM coordinator, IR-4 liaison, and PSEP Coordinator for Kentucky.

Contact Information

S-327A Ag Science Center N Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 323-1120